The Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana (PMJAY), also known as Ayushman Bharat, is a government health insurance scheme in India that provides coverage of up to ₹5 lakh per family per year for secondary and tertiary care hospitalization. As of September 2024, the scheme has been expanded to include all senior citizens aged 70 and above, irrespective of their income or socio-economic status.
Complete e-KYC: If eligible, proceed with the electronic Know Your Customer (e-KYC) process by entering the Aadhaar number and verifying it through an OTP sent to the registered mobile number.
Download Ayushman Card: Upon successful verification, download the Ayushman Card, which can be used to avail of cashless treatment at empanelled hospitals.
4. Offline Enrollment Process:
Visit a Common Service Centre (CSC): Your parents can visit the nearest CSC or an empanelled hospital with the necessary documents.
Assistance at CSC: The staff will assist in verifying eligibility and completing the enrollment process.
Receive Ayushman Card: After verification, the Ayushman Card will be issued on the spot.
5. Provide Support Remotely:
Guidance: Guide your parents through the process via phone or video calls.
Arrange Assistance: If they are not tech-savvy, consider arranging for a trusted relative or friend to accompany them to the CSC or assist with the online process.
6. Stay Informed:
Monitor Updates: Keep abreast of any updates or changes to the scheme by regularly checking official PMJAY communications.
Contact Helpline: For any queries, contact the PMJAY helpline at 14555 or 1800-111-565.
By following these steps, you can effectively assist your parents in enrolling in the PMJAY scheme, ensuring they have access to quality healthcare services in India.
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